Pedophilia Is NOT a Sexual Orientation I came across a Facebook post on September 5, 2020 that I knew would become controversial, and as a Clinical Sexologist, I must respond to the public with my contrary report. The post’s header was: ‘Scholars Say Pedophilia Is Now A Sexual Orientation That Should Be Accepted by Members of Society’. Pedophilia is a paraphilia and paraphilia used to be called a sexual deviation or perversion, so I will strongly refute this theory immediately! I’m wondering who was desperate enough for recognition in this field that they were compelled to defy all established, clinical research with such a ridiculous claim. The clinical fact is: Pedophilia is listed as one of the paraphilic disorders. There are other paraphilic disorders in DSM-5, such as necrophilia, zoophilia and bestiality. If acted upon, these are criminal acts. However, the etiology of paraphilias is unknown. A paraphilia is thought of as ‘a learned behavior’. This behavior occurs primarily in males between 6-12 years old, yet some clinicians believe it occurs more in the 5-7 year range. A pedophile is defined as having an interest in children under 13 years of age. Paraphilias are a lifelong condition. So let’s correct this theory. Pedophilia… Continue reading

The Absurdity and Cruelty of Politics

Let’s reflect back to 2001. “What’s on your mind?” This is what’s been on my mind for too long: I am sick and tired of Fox News, especially Shawn on Hannity. He is overbearingly insulting and disrespectful to all Democrats especially to Hillary Clinton. He attacks everyone and ridicules everyone he interviews if they aren’t in agreement with him (or a Republican), and he habitually talks over them when they are expressing positives about Sanders, Clinton or Obama (or other famous Democrats). But what is the most distressing is how obvious he appears to not like women, especially women of power and intellect. I can say with confidence that it looks like that is the prominent theme with the Republican candidates, too. So let’s face the facts here: how many American men will be horrified angry and/or threatened if a woman is successful to become the President of the United States!? Really? I may generate hate mail and slander myself for saying this, but oh well, like Hillary, I’ve been used to tolerating male chauvinism for decades, so go right ahead. My bottom line is this: it’s about darn time to let an intelligent, educated, experienced woman take the helm… Continue reading


– Let’s Face Reality now!   I have been an advocate, teacher and guest lecturer on the topic of “S&M and the Law” since 1987. Because of my extensive, first hand experience in the 1980s through the present time, I have felt responsible to share my knowledge to help people in preventing all sorts of problems in their lives which can be avoided. I have lectured and presented at universities, conventions, clubs and for groups and provided private tutoring for professionals, individuals and couples who have taken an interest in learning about how our society, law enforcement and the judicial system deal with the professional dommes, practitioners and other folks involved on some level in the BDSM lifestyle. With 36 years experience I have much to offer in the education and enlightenment of this topic. Read here:   MY RUDE AWAKENING What else I have learned is the resistance and avoidance I have observed and been subjected to by the very same people who need the education the most. This reality has been discouraging and interesting to me at the same time. It is difficult to get my head around the blatant fact, most people prefer to ignore the risks… Continue reading

Has Recognizing Same-Sex Marriages Stirred Up Another Angry Bee Hive?

A new topic of concern that is in need of much deliberation and discussion was raised on LinkedIn recently by Dr. Elizabeth “Eli” Sheff, and I want to address this issue, too. It’s the question: Should Polygyny marriages be recognized now, too? Naturally, people are starting to be concerned about “what’s up next” in the good old USA? Probably the same folks who opposed same-sex marriage are the ones with the most fear that legally recognizing same-sex marriage will inevitably lead to plural marriage. Yet historically, polygyny has been far more popular than monogamy in several countries and religions, at least for men of high status or those who can afford it. Yes, we know that recognizing safe-sex marriage would automatically stir up another hot pot of bewilderment, panic and continued opposition for those who believe their way is the only way it should be. The 24 thousand dollar question is this: Did recognizing/legalizing same-sex marriage profoundly change the definition of marriage so that now “marrriage” has assumed the capacity for many alternative interpretations? Or, does the institution of marriage need to be reclassified and redefined so that it’s definition is not dictated by the Bible which is a tunnel… Continue reading

Imagine if Charlayne Grenci Played Christian Grey’s Role in Fifty Shades Movie!

What if E. L. James had used a seasoned, tough, dominant woman for her fantasy figure instead of the sexual sadist, Christian Grey? What if her main character had been Dr. Charlayne Grenci? Imagine The Devil Wears Prada colliding with the Fifty Shades of Grey? Picture Meryl Streep playing the role of Dr. Charlayne Grenci aka Mistress Carla in FSOG? The movie may not have sold 100 million copies, but the theme would have been as entertaining and unique as bizarre and controversial and Streep would have done a brilliant job. It still could have been a fantasy fiction if James wrote it. Or, would it have been better as a non-fiction? Why has this come up? I was told that Grenci, Dr. Carla, has been a fantasy figure in her private and professional life for over forty years. Why is this true? The reaction of people to her, their letters, their comments, confessions and proposals. Thousands of men and women alike, young and old have voiced or written about their curiosity, temptation and titillation by the fantasy figure they see. So what’s the deal with Carla’s image that attracts people… or scares them away? Dr. Carla admitted to me in… Continue reading

I’m Guilty As Charged – I’ve Been a Social Activist for Over 30 Years

If you are interested in who I am, and you would like to get to know me, you should read about the depth and diversity of my experiences in my true life story… with its shocking events and my huge life lessons! It’s all in my book, “Queen of Domination: My Secret Life“! My next Blog is not going to be an excerpt from my book, I’m going to write about a different segment of my life. Many people don’t know I’m considered a social activist. It all started in 1983, but it continued for over 20 years. PART I After surviving the trauma and political combat of my five year legal battle from 1983-1988, I called the Witch-Hunt Battle which was fraught with corruption and hypocrisy by the State of Florida, I defied the system and challenged it once again. I couldn’t have done it any other way. I would do it all over again. The Judge had threatened me in 1985 in front of a packed courtroom saying, he better not see me in his courtroom again for practicing domination, or I would be facing years in prison! I was also told not to sell any books or… Continue reading

Our Forgotten ‘Earth Angels’ Part II – Take Action Now – Become a Humanitarian in 2015! Because This Can Happen To Any of Us

I’m going to write about the fear and despair of many elderly citizens. This goes across all nationalities, religions, cultures and societies. I’m talking about all people. I’m referring to the isolation. The loneliness. The emptiness.  Yes… it is depressing for us who still have a healthy, productive life, which is why most people turn a blind eye and run the other way, even turn their backs on folks in their own family or circle of friends. It’s a crime and a sin, but it’s here and there and everywhere, and we must deal with it. Not wanting to leave their home, though alone day and night. Fearing isolation from family because of illness and not being able to keep up and function normally. Or the haunting fear of being taken away from familiar surroundings and put in a strange place, or with a relative that does the favor out of protest? An elderly person’s home is their sanctuary, their comfort zone and their only security. It is one of the only things they have left to count on and cling to. I believe that the aging process alone after a certain age for many people is a terrible mind… Continue reading

My Introduction to the Spiritual World

My non-conformist years of rebellion were starting to take a toll on me.  I was still refined at heart but remarkably immature.  I was about to enter a world which would conflict with everything I had been taught as a child and all the values which were inbred in me. Had I also been programmed for alternative lifestyles?  Up through my twenties I was still quite naive in some respects, and I surely wasn’t aware there was an underground subculture which would defy all the principles of my childhood up-bringing, as well as challenge my character and community status. By all social norms, this new lifestyle, this new profession would mock that old-fashioned ideology and all the disciplines and protocol that went with it. It must have been in the cards? Soon, I would become known as a Professional Dominatrix. I would be asked if I was a witch or a fortune teller. I would also been referred to as “the Larry Flint” of the BDSM community. What most people didn’t know is that around the time of this complex transition in 1979, I experienced a spiritual awakening which was quite confusing. I really didn’t know what was happening at… Continue reading

Dungeon VS. Clinic: The Origin of My Non-Conventional Research Project

It was amazing in those early days, when people met me and heard what I did for a living; they became anxiously interested in seeking my advice about their personal sex lives. This happened on a regular basis in and out of the dungeon. Everywhere I went and most everyone I met became curious and started inquiring, probing…. I felt I was “on stage” wherever I was, but I didn’t have a problem sharing my knowledge, nor did the subject of “sex” embarrass me. It seemed everybody had questions or issues about their relationship or sex life. Most mainstream people were not familiar with the subculture I was involved with, but they knew it dealt with sexuality and that is what caught their interest. Discussions with strangers and acquaintances quickly became as frequent and popular as with my personal friends and fetish enthusiasts. Whenever I divulged my taboo occupation to family doctors, I was asked to stay and chat with them after my appointment. Predictably, they all wanted to be enlightened on the subject of domination and submission and what went on in the dungeon. Who were my clients and what did they ask for? I gladly obliged, because I… Continue reading